Are these samples royalty free?

Yes! You can do (almost) anything you want with our stuff. See the super official License Agreement.

When does this stuff go on sale?

This isn’t one of those sites where everything is always on “sale” for 90% off; we keep the prices simple and honest. We do two sales a year: one in the summer and one at the end of the year. Get on the mailing list to find out about those.

What are the requirements for your Ableton packs?

All of our Ableton packs have been created and tested in Live 10 Suite. They should load in other versions of Live 10 but some tracks might have some missing components.

How do I install an Ableton pack?

Basically, you double click the .alp file and tell Ableton where to save everything. Here’s a detailed guide: Installing Ableton Packs.

How do you make those videos?

A lot of the visuals are generated with the Zwobot Suite in Ableton Live.